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Camp. Explore.Dream.Discover.

Our Packages

Rishikesh Fun Tour

01 Night Camping, 03 Times Meals, Rafting 16 Kms.

Package Price : 2500/-

Rishikesh Corporate Tour

01 Night Camping, 03 Times Meals, Rafting 16 Kms,Adventure Activities.

Package Price : 4500/-

Rafting with Bunjee

01 Night Camping, 03 Times Meals, Rafting 16 Kms,Bunjee Jumping.

Package Price : 7500/-

Why us?






Rohit Verma

It was just a big Wowwwwww moment & fantastic experience at Rishikesh. We enjoyed the rafting n food a lot. At every second we had just fun n chill. Now waiting 4 another river rafting very soon……

Rohit VermaCEOSAP Traning Solution
Shubhra Jain

Such an amazing day!We did Shivpuri river rafting and the experience was amazing.The whole experience was so easy to book and everyone was so friendly and helpful.

What a great team! These guys made our experience of rafting sensational.I highly recommend rafting with them and would personally visit again.

Thank you Team.Best memory of our trip..:)

Shubhra JainDesignerDesignbricks Consulting (P) Ltd.
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